Welcome to MyChess page of Arman's Chess Town. MyChess is a Java based program which requires your browser to fully support Java applications. Running the Java program may take a while and will allow you to view chess games in the PGN Format...

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Now let's get started... Click on either of below links to invoke the MyChess Java applet.

Wins in under 10 moves

Some tactics from 1001 Brilliant Ways to Checkmate - Updated Jan 2004

Some tactics from 1001 Brilliant Chess Sacrifices -
Updated Jan 2004

Even more tactics to experiment and see

Database of Tactical Problems (Ref: www.mailchess.de)

Moscow Grand Prix 2002

Selected games from GM Tournaments

Best games from Chess Informant 1984-1998

The Games of Individual Chess Championship for the Visually Handicapped, Istanbul 2002

Games of 35th Chess Olympiad BLED (Men)

Games of 35th Chess Olympiad BLED (Women)

56th Russian Championship, 2-12 September 2003 - New Jan 2004

Above selections will be updated in due time...